May, 2024


1717h 56m

Omar asked me to play some FFXIV with him and one of his Discord buddies, and I had a good time! It was nice to be invited to play with someone since it had been a while since Brice and I had played. We did all of our roulettes and I ended up with a Lvl 57 Machinist which is great! Going to play more again soon hopefully - I hope Franco is a person I can be friends with in the future!

151h 23m

Kane and I did some Duos and ended up getting a back-to-back Victory Royale! It felt incredible! We chatted mostly and Brook even chipped in to drive a car to me when I had to go take an allergy pill after I started to have an allergic reaction. What a strange night, haha!


1h 58m

Omar invited Kane, Davey, and me over to his Discord for some Wormtown! It was a lot more enjoyable this time around with other people to share my struggles, haha! We had a good time though and the people in that Discord seem cool, for the most part. Juan came around and we spoke to each other for the first time in years. It was seamless - wish those guys had stayed in tough. Oh well!


1018h 39m

Kane and I decided to game it up! We got our butts whooped in most games, haha! It was still fun getting to talk about life, plans, jobs, and eSports. I want to see if he would be interested in joining my YouTube channel now that Summer has rolled back around.